The Vampire Diaries!

Welcome to my vampire diaries shrine! here i will just be fangirling over my love with the show (and maybe the spin-offs).
the vampire diaries was first a book series created by L.J Smith; but the show has literally almost nothing in common aside from names so #i won't be referring to it anymore... ignore it completely lol!

the show aired on September 10, 2009 almost a year after the first Twilight movie was released and amidst the release of New Moon. as well as a year after True Blood was first aired, not to mention every other vampire media before it (and after it respectfully).
among the love triangles and human x vampires lays a cringe fest of corny plot holes, annoyingly naive characters and a whole lot of fun! i've rewatched this show about 100 times and still cry at the ending!

TVD was more than just another supernatural show for me, it was a rite of passage. the "team damon" vs "team stefan" was not on my mind, oh no... it was "how can i become elena gilbert" which then graduated into "how do i become katherine pierce".
the answer? money. i needed money. and money did i have and boy did i spend it!

alas, as stated before... elena wasn't the girl to be... no... i needed to reached higher. i needed something more!

honestly as an adult, i prefer Bonnie! and i wish i had bought Bonnie's stuff too... well, i have adult money now so hey! maybe my dreams can come true!

what else do i say here? watch it for yourself? then watch the originals and then legacies? cause that's what i'm gonna do til i die (or there's no way for me to watch them all).